Things to look for when buying a home in Phoenix, AZ

The Phoenix area real estate market is filled with a whole range of properties that any home owner would want to have in a standard home. However, there are those with features that simply make them a cut above the rest.

Here are some great qualities to keep an eye out for when looking at homes in Phoenix, AZ.

The house is well-positioned

Positioning is an important factor to consider in Phoenix, AZ. The ideal house should be exposed to less sunlight during summer but should still allow enough light to shine through during winter. Your home’s temperature and the amount of light streaming in will have a big impact on its comfort ability.

A home that’s not properly positioned can cause it to easily overheat. The climate in the area is not particularly forgiving for homes with common rooms facing east or west because of the position of the sun.

Find homes that face north or south and don’t have communal areas like the living room, bedroom, and kitchen facing east or west. These rooms should also be located away from the house’s facade.

The windows are strategically placed

Window placement can also control the temperature inside the house, so it’s best to also have them facing north or south. Look for homes with windows that allow enough natural light to come in without making the temperature inside it unbearably hot. Deep canopies and eave scan also keep the home cool and bright.

The house is equipped with a smart thermostat

Smart thermostats have become a thing in smart home features in recent years. This and other smart home technologies are attractive to home buyers for their ability to lessen energy consumption. A smart thermostat, in particular,can help you save on your electric bills while adding functionality and convenience to the home.

Get a home with high-tech thermostats like Nest Learning Thermostat, a device that can program itself and automatically adjust your home’s temperature when you leave and enter the room. This device can save up to 15% on cooling bills.Other thermostats such as Honeywell or Ecobee can be operated remotely and some models can be integrated with devices like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.

Explore homes for sale and your other real estate options in the Phoenix area today! Feel free to get in touch with Scott Semer by calling 1.480.353.0299. You can also email him at scott(at)scottsemerrealestate(dotted)com or send him a message on the website.